Ep. 6 - Why inspiration matters

Nycia Emerson



What is your inspiration and why it matters?

If you ever get the chance to sit down with Nycia Emerson for a cup of coffee, you will more than likely leave with a new perspective on your life’s purpose. In fact, coffee dates, brunches, and girl time are a big part of Nycia’s ministry - She Inspires.

Nycia isn’t shy about her relationship with God and her mission to inspire others through the spiritual gifts she’s been given. As an event planner and designer she cultivates spaces where women can learn and experience God's plan and purpose for their lives.

In a recent study, Inspiration as a Psychological Construct, psychologists Todd M. Thrash and Andrew J. Elliot explain that inspiration not only matters, but is pivotal for overall well-being. The study also explains that “Although most modern psychologists reject the notion of supernatural influence, this account should be appreciated for what it reveals about inspiration.”

For our purposes, Nycia and I sit down to talk about inspiration through faith, community, and a renewed sense of purpose despite the obstacles life throws at us.

You can find out more about Nycia and her organization here or follow her on Facebook, and Instagram.

Watch the full episode :


Ep. 5 - What is body positive


Ep. 7 - Why leaders need friendship and community